2023 – Oct 6, 2023 Update Letter
Our October 2022 Newsletter

We are so happy to share our October updates with you. In this month’s edition, you’ll find our mission statement, our story of the month about a young boy named Abu, the history of our time with Dr. Mannah, and a special statement from our founder, Dr. Darius Maggi.
Click here to access the October 2022 Newsletter on your browser
Click the link below to view the newsletter as a PDF.
Our September 2022 Newsletter

Here are our updates from September! Inside this edition, you will find our mission statement, our newest team members, the story of the month, and a message from our founder, Dr. Darius Maggi.
Click here to access the September 2022 Newsletter on your browser
Click the link below to view the newsletter as a PDF.
October 2016 – All Smiles
October 2016
Dear Friends and Supporters,
I am once again happy to report a successful and fulfilling trip to Sierra Leone. Twenty-five surgeries were performed with twenty-three of these women now officially “dry”. Unfortunately, 2 of the women may have irreparable damage. I will again assess their needs during the next trip.
The faces of these women can express so much better than I can, the radical change of having fistula surgery. Please let their smiles say a resounding “thank you” for your donations that make their surgeries possible.
In our August newsletter we introduced you to Yatta, pictured at the right (before and after surgery). She came to us weighing 70 lbs. Today she tells her story to other women, bringing them hope, and they are now coming to our hospital for help.
The young lady pictured to the left is Finda. She is 20 years oldandhad fistula surgery during this trip. She lost her entire family to Ebola. Again, a life changed and given a new start due to your generosity.
It is extremely common to have people come to our hospital with severe medical needs and no prospect of help. One such case is the young girl pictured, who is also named Yatta. She is 5 years old and was born with a small growth on the side of her nose that has continued to enlarge. We need your help to find a doctor or facility in the US that can give her the care that she desperately needs, as there are no medical resources for this in Sierra Leone. If you have any contacts that may be of help, please let us know at janet.waff@gmail.com or at my number below.I want to take a brief moment to honor Chief Jacob, who came to WAFF 4 years ago and faithfully served as our Kitchen Manager. Chief Jacob passed away while I was in Africa. He was truly dedicated, unselfish, and very committed to our program. He will be greatly missed.
With much gratitude,
Darius R. Maggi, MD
August 2016 – A Life Changed
August 2016
Dear Friends and Supporters,
Later this month I will again be going to West Africa. In anticipation of their surgery, we have at least 30 women who have gathered at the clinic and are undergoing physicals, receiving treatment for underlying diseases and parasites, and getting much needed nutrition and vitamin supplements.
Hopefully, we will be able to complete as many as 60 surgeries before returning to the United States.
The women who come to our clinic are generally in very poor health. One such woman was Yatta. She came to the clinic weighing 65-70 pounds, literally having to be carried by others. She is currently receiving care from our staff, and is awaiting surgery. This is just one of the women whose life is being restored thru your efforts.
For years it has been a deep desire of mine to put into words many of the thoughts and feeling I have acquired about “giving back”. Amazon has released Basta!, a book that I have written to encourage both old and young alike to give back. In addition, many of the stories of women like Yatta are included in the book. In efforts to help with the ongoing
expenses of the hospital, all proceeds from Basta! go directly to WAFF.
With gratitude,
Darius R. Maggi, MD
West Africa Fistula Foundation
3621 Pottsboro Rd #150
2016 April – Trip Report – 67 Lives Touched
April 6, 2016
Dears Friends and Supporters,
We would like to report that we had a very successful 5 week trip during February & March. Over 50 surgeries were completed. I am copying a thank you note Paul Robinson our Facilities and Administrative Head sent to one of our donors in Sierra Leone and this message says it all! Paul spends 85 % of his time in Sierra Leone.
“Just a short message of thanks, you are most likely sitting comfortably in your home or office with friends, family or colleague’s around you, the reality here is that the ladies that you have helped with your generosity just don’t have any of the comforts that surround you.
Many have leaked urine, and or feces for a long time, one of our recent patients suffered this horror for 44 years, now thanks to you and people like you she is now dry and clean, and so so happy.
Every day I see the anguish, pain and suffering of these ladies, some of them have had the indignity of being chained to a tree or locked in a shed, treated as witches and outcasts because of their problem known as fistula. And then after surgery the joy and smiles that say they have their dignity restored, and it’s thanks to you that this has happened.
It will be very difficult for you to imagine the prior life of these ladies, but believe me, you make a very big difference to their future lives, thank you so much.”
Paul Robinson
West Africa Fistula Foundation
We had the opportunity to film 2 patient testimonies and a documentary that was put on by the Fistula Patients and directed by our Matron Mariam Swaray. I think you will enjoy every minute. See below links:
2015 – October WAFF Trip Report
Dear Friends and Supporters,
Our most recent trip was the most productive and gratifying trip in the last 13 years I have been going to Africa. Due to the Ebola situation we were not able to return to our ward at the Bo Government Hospital. Over a year ago we leased an old HIV facility for overflow patients and Paul Robinson, our facilities manager, refurbished and had it up and going as a hospital in 6 weeks. For the first time ever we had electricity and running water for the entire trip.
Our staff is extremely proud of this facility and we believe we have the nicest facility in the country.
We performed 67 procedures, 8 exams under anesthesia. Unfortunately, we had 5 women we had to send to their villages to die because they had terminal cancer of the cervix.
I produced a power point that exemplifies the August-September trip. Below we have provided 2 possible links to view the power point.
We want to thank you for your interest and support during these very trying times for the Sierra Leonean people.
Darius R. Maggi M.D.
West Africa Fistula Foundation
WAFF – Tickets Booked. Bags Packed. Patients Waiting!
Dear Friends and Supporters,
Just a quick note to let you know plane tickets have been purchased and surgeries will begin again in August. We are so excited to return, get organized and get back to the business of helping the women of Sierra Leone.
Our facilities manager, Paul Robinson (from England), arrived several few weeks ago and is already hard at work getting things put in order.
Kathi Beasley, an incredibly talented photographer/videographer, created this lovely video to highlight the work we do at WAFF. Please take a look and let us know what you think! We would love to hear from you.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page to watch our progress! Be sure to “Follow” / “Like” our page and also share with others!
Darius R. Maggi M.D.
West Africa Fistula Foundation
2015 – June WAFF News
Dear Friends and Supporters,
It has been several months since our last letter, and while I sincerely hope you and your families are doing well, I am sad to report the situation in Sierra Leone has continued to worsen. As most of you know, the Ebola scare dominated the news while there were infected patients here in the United States, but now it seems it has mostly passed as a just small blip on this country’s temporary news radar, almost forgotten by most. Unfortunately, the devastating effects of this disease are still being strongly felt in Western Africa, particularly in Sierra Leone. While the actual number of Ebola cases is decreasing, and the death tolls are not sky rocketing like they once were, the health care community of the country has been completely ravaged. We are VERY, VERY fortunate that we have not lost any of our direct staff, but there have been a catastrophic number of lives lost all across the medical workforce, including doctors, nurses, aids, and many others who had been participating in the care of these very sick people. As you can imagine, the quality and availability of care has suffered tremendously just due to these losses alone, but even further, the psychological, mental, and emotional well-being of much of this country has been significantly altered, not only from the direct effects, but also due to the wide-spread changes implemented as a result of this epidemic. For instance, the government is trying to enforce a system for the handling of all bodies of people passing away at the hospitals. They are calling for specialized teams to come in, wrap the bodies in protective material, and haul them off to mass graves, so as to not allow for any family members or healthcare workers to be exposed to any potential contamination or spreading of the Ebola virus. This is regardless of whether or not the patient was diagnosed with Ebola-like symptoms. While I am not questioning these particular efforts of the government (as they have an enormous challenge in front of them), you can imagine the pain just this particular change is causing. I am reluctant to confine this horrible situation to just one story, but below is just one brief account of one day, as experienced and told to me two days ago by Paul Robinson, our Director of the program, in Sierra Leone right now: Good morning Dr. Maggi, A child died on the maternity ward this morning (ward 6). Imagine the mother’s anguish at losing her baby and then having to suffer the indignity of seeing its lifeless body bundled into a plastic burial bag to be taken away to a mass burial ground. Ebola did not kill this child, yet the whole family were victims nonetheless. All dead persons are treated this way now, no matter what the cause of death. Later today, I again heard the wails, shouts and screams of the same anguish – a young mother died shortly after giving birth. The child lived this time, but the mother is taken away in a burial bag to the same mass burial ground. Ebola is again not the killer, but the result is still the same, another family shattered!!! The maternal care that is so badly needed is just not here. Midwives are in such short supply that maternal problems have increased dramatically. Nurses that could help to stem this increasing loss of young lives are just not here. Ebola has crippled these people in ways that you cannot begin to imagine. Can you imagine the pain of not tending to your sick child’s last needs, not having the last cuddle, hold, or touch? Then having to watch as it goes into a plastic burial bag and is hauled off, can you? Another true story, one of our nurses, Vero, was ordered to go to Daru as part of the Ebola treatment team. She went, but she was the ONLY ONE of that entire medical team to leave that treatment centre alive. All her colleagues died, every one DEAD! Thankfully she is back with us now amazingly, and as a skilled midwife, she will be invaluable to us and the people of Salone. Paul Again, this is just one tiny snapshot of the everyday reality the people of this country are facing. It is almost impossible for us to imagine, but it is so very real. With that, you can see we have plenty of work to do. I am planning to go back over at the end of July or the beginning of August; meanwhile, Dr. Manna, Paul, and the entire team have done an incredible job keeping our program alive and relevant during this extremely challenging time. We have intentionally delayed as many non-life-threatening procedures as possible, but with your support, we have maintained our staff, maintained our patient flow, and maintained our facilities to enable us to stay in a position to help as many people as possible, as the situation permits. Now, our patient load is enormous, and our needs are great. We have always been hesitant to directly ask for any donations or support in these “update letters”, as we have been amazingly blessed with the generosity of our supporters all these years. However, at this time, we would like to let you know your help is needed now as much as ever. There are three primary reasons we could use any extra support at this time. First and foremost, our operating costs are undoubtedly going to be higher for the foreseeable future – we have a very large number of patients awaiting surgeries, not to mention the increasing number of emergency cases that are showing up at our doors, looking for any help we can give them. So while our dollars can still do an enormous amount of good, the sheer volume of work is as high as ever. Second, the vast majority of our beds, fixtures, and supplies in our primary ward were sacrificed to help ease the burden of caring for all the Ebola patients at the hospital we share with the government. The influx of patients was incredible, and the space was very limited, so our ward was used as an overflow treatment area, and in turn, almost all of our beds and furniture has been lost or destroyed. Lastly, we could really use one or two more vehicles. We try to be extremely conservative with our spending and our use of any items like this, but they are a necessary part of the program. If there is any silver lining here, it is that the opportunity to acquire vehicles at a reasonable cost is better now than it has been historically. Due to a large number of organizations retreating from this very difficult environment, there is actually a decent surplus of good, used vehicles that are already in country. So these can be acquired reasonably without having the expense of shipping, importation, and all the other costs associated with bringing them in. While it’s a sad reality so many people are leaving, given our needs for a vehicle or two, this is actually an opportune time for us to get them. I apologize for the length of this letter, but I wanted to try to convey the severity of our situation and let you know we very much appreciate each and every one of you, and we could not do it without you. As always, please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions. With Gratitude, Darius R. Maggi M.D. |
2014 – December
Dear Friends and Supporters,
As we approach this Holiday season and are so thankful for all of our blessings and good health the situation in Sierra Leone for the last several months has been very trying for these wonderful people. Despite all of the deaths and devastation from the horrific disease of Ebola our staff and their families have avoided contracting this disease so far.
I was informed yesterday of the death of Dr. Tom Rogers due to Ebola at the Connaught Hospital in Freetown. I first met Dr. Rogers at the Bo Government Hospital in November 2002 which was my first visit to Sierra Leone. I will never forget his enthusiasm when I first met him and his dedication to the patients as this was immediately after the war. He will be missed by all that knew him. His nephew Benjamin Rogers worked with us several years bringing patients to our hospital that he gathered from the bush.
Unfortunately the incidence of obstetrical fistula will be on the rise because the health care system has been saturated with Ebola cases. Because you have been so generous we have been able to continue supporting our staff there with salaries and helping them avoid unnecessary exposure to the virus. They are very loyal and ready to get to work hopefully when things settle down as we will be overloaded with cases of all types.
I wanted to give everyone an update to let you know the situation as it exists today and that we are eager to get back to Sierra Leone. Again we cannot thank you enough for your prayers and support during this time of crisis.
We want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a very Prosperous New Year.
Darius R. Maggi M.D.
West Africa Fistula Foundation
3621 Pottsboro Rd #150
Denison TX 75020
2014 – September
2014 – January
Dear Friends and Supporters,
To All of our WAFF Followers and Supporters,
Once again, we are greatly humbled by the kindness and generosity so many of you have showed over the past year. Our program continues to positively impact so many lives in Sierra Leone, and we are extremely grateful that this is all made possible with your help.
The year ahead will bring more challenges to be sure, but as you have proved so many times, these challenges are met and exceeded by the compassion of our supporters. Just this month, we received an amazing donation from one of the neatest, most encouraging sources we have encountered to date: a pair of 14 and 16-year-old sisters. These young girls, operating under a non-profit called Pretty Purposeful, show a sense of caring and maturation way beyond their years and are a tremendous inspiration to all of us. I would encourage you to learn more about their story at www.prettypurposeful.org.
One of our own team members, Dr. Susan Hardwick-Smith, is also leading an effort in raising funds and awareness for our program, and we have attached a letter she recently sent, outlining her impressive commitment.
There are obviously many more stories, and no effort – however large or small – goes overlooked or unappreciated. The women of Sierra Leone are so appreciative for each and every one of you, and we feel very blessed to be able to continue to help them with your assistance.
Thank you for your continual support, encouragement and involvement with our organization.
With gratitude,
Darius R. Maggi, MD
Here is complete information about Iron Man Fundraiser Dr. Susan Hardwick-Smith is involved in:
Dear Family and Friends,
Most of you know about my involvement with the West Africa Fistula Foundation (WAFF) in Sierra Leone, West Africa. In 2013 I had the opportunity to make three trips to Sierra Leone and was part of a small team that operated on over 50 women and girls (like 15 year old Gitta pictured below) suffering with chronic urine and fecal leakage due to obstetric fistulas. As you know this horrific problem is caused by unattended childbirth and is completely preventable with education and the availability of basic obstetric interventions. This year I plan to make a similar commitment as it has truly the most rewarding experience of my life.
WAFF is a small organization, funded entirely by our friends and private followers as well as the physicians themselves. Donations fund operating expenses including the salaries of 15 full time local staff in Sierra Leone who care for our current patients and admit new ones to our dedicated fistula ward, and our administrative services in the US are all donated. If you have ever wanted to do something to make a difference in the developing world but were not sure how to do it or whom to trust, helping to support some of the most unfortunate women in the world through WAFF is a great opportunity to bring about real change in a cost effective way.
While fundraising is not my passion, I have learned through my own giving the wonderful things that grow from generosity, so I invite you to be a part of this cause knowing the great satisfaction that you will gain from it. To make it fun, I have once again committed to an enormous personal challenge this year and invite you to sponsor me to compete in the Ironman New Zealand race on March 1, 2014. Through my first Ironman race in 2012 I was able to raise over $30,000 for WAFF and plan to exceed that amount this year. Every penny of sponsorship goes directly to WAFF and is carefully used to fund our local operation in Sierra Leone, including the surgery itself as well an average of 12 weeks of housing, nursing care, treatment of active conditions including anemia, malaria and parasitic disease as well as vocational training and nutritional support.
On my last trip to Africa in October 2013 I was joined by my friend and professional photographer Kathi Beasley, who made the short (8 minutes) video below to kick off our fundraising drive for a new hospital which is being designed and built by WAFF. Please take a look at this video to see the work we are doing and please consider sponsoring me to complete this race and help some of the poorest women in the world.
Realm of the Free – West Africa Fistula Foundation and their Good Works for Women
Since the Ironman race covers 140.6 miles including a 2.4 mile open water swim, a 112 bike ride followed by a 26.2 mile marathon, my suggested sponsorship levels this year reflect that magic number! While no donation is too small, sponsorship is suggested at one of the following levels:
Level 1- $70- 50 cents per mile, will pay a registered nurse’s salary for 1 week; or 2 weeks of food, housing and vocational training for a fistula patient
Level 2- $140 – $1 per mile, will pay a registered nurse’s salary for 2 weeks; or 4 weeks of food, housing and vocational training for a fistula patient
Level 3- $560- $4 per mile, will pay a registered nurse’s salary for 2 months; or 4 months of food, housing and vocational training for a fistula patient or patients
Level 4- $1400- $10 per mile, will pay all expenses for a single woman to be cured of her fistula.
Donations may be made directly to WAFF at www.westafricafistulafoundation.org (Please note “IRONMAN” in the comments line) or checks made out to West Africa Fistula Foundation may be delivered directly to me at 2725 Albans, Houston TX 77005.
WAFF is a registered 501 (c) 3 organization and all donations are tax deductible.
Thank you so much for your support, and follow my race progress live beginning on Friday February 28th at noon (Houston time) at http://www.ironman.com/triathlon/coverage/live.aspx#axzz2qtftb8ba
In gratitude, Susan
Dr. Susan Hardwick-Smith
West Africa Fistula Foundation
West Africa Fistula Foundation
3621 Pottsboro Rd #150
Denison TX 75020