
Thank you for visiting our web site. We trust that it has been informative and we have satisfied all your questions that you may have had. We at West Africa Fistula Foundation urge each and every visitor to consider their opportunity to help those less fortunate than themselves. We have several options to help these women in dire need. You can volunteer your time and services or you may donate to this worthy cause.

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    Below is the contact information to get in touch with us.

    West Africa Fistula Foundation
    c/o Darius R. Maggi, MD
    3621 Pottsboro Road #150
    Denison, Texas 75020
    Phone: 1 (903) 463-9400

    WAFF is a registered 501(c)3 organization—all contributions to WAFF are tax deductible.

    Thank you for your help!

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    Or purchase Handmade Surgical Caps made by the women of our ward!

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