About Sierra Leone – West Africa Fistula Foundation
From 1991 – 2002 civil war in Sierra Leone has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths and the displacement of 2 million of its inhabitants. Although the nation is currently at peace, the people of Sierra Leone are still struggling against these issues, they still have many other difficulties to confront and recover from.
In Sierra Leone, 1 woman out of 8 in their lifetime, dies during childbirth. Through out Africa it is estimated that 2-3 million women suffer from obstetric fistula, a condition often resulting from labor complications.
WAFF assists in the collaboration and training of national doctors, healthcare practitioners, and other professionals so that the people of West Africa, in time will run these programs independently.
- Population: 6.01 million (2008 est.)
- United Nations Human Development Index – Rank: 176 out of 177 nations
- Infant mortality rate 165 per 1000 (16) die before the age of 1
- Maternal mortality rate: 1 in 8 women
- Life expectancy: 40 yrs (male) and 42 yrs (female)
- Land size: 71,740 square kilometers
- Religion: Muslim (60%), Indigenous Beliefs (30%), Christian (10%)
- Language: English (official), Krio, Mende, Temne
- National resources: diamonds, gold, bauxite, titanium, rutile