About Darius (Admin)

Darius (Admin) has written 25 articles so far, you can find them below.

2008 – January

UPDATE – January 29, 2008
Dear Friends,
Mariama Sesay, the 27 y/o Sierra Leonean lady with terminal cervical cancer passed away Sunday morning January 27, 2008 in Denison, Texas. As many of you know Mariama was first diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer in August of 2006 in Sierra Leone and was brought to the States for treatment where Dr. Mary Hebert and Dr. Larry Barker along with the Texas Oncology Center treated her for free. I took her back to Sierra Leone in December 2006. April 2008 it was determined she had persistence of disease and was in considerable pain. The U.S. Embassy was kind enough to allow us to bring her to the States where she could spend her final days where pain management would be more accessible. Mariama lived with Karen and myself until Mid-December at which time she was moved to a nursing home for more intensive treatment. The entire 10 months the Home Hospice of Grayson County provided free of charge phenomenal care for Mariama. We owe a big thank you to Nurse Anita Anderson and Kendrea for their relentless dedication and support for Mariama.

You may remember that Mariama gave birth to a baby girl at the age of 14. With her child left behind she was captured by the Rebels at the age of 16 and was held hostage for 3 years. When she finally escaped her 5 year old daughter had died from Malaria 2 months earlier. Mariama loved being in the United States and was very active during her intital treatment and loved going to Church. She was baptized and joined the First Christian Church in Denison, Texas. She is survived by her mother and brother and a 6 y/o daughter she had adopted a couple of years ago.

We will never forget Mariama but more importantly the reminder everyday what a privilege it is to have the luxuries of running water, electricity, transportation, comfortable home etc. but most of all the Freedom and the ability to worship God without fear for our lives.

Mariama will have a church service Wednesday 10 am January 30 at the First Christian Church and will buried in our family plot in Wilburton, Oklahoma.
Darius R. Maggi M.D.

3621 Pottsboro Road #150 Denison, TX 75020

903-463-9400 Office

903-819-7250 Cell

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